Monday, September 8, 2008

Doctor appointment today

It went okay, but unfortunately I'm on bed rest indefinitely. I don't think there were any real changes to my cervix or anything, but she said to be prepared to be on bed rest until they are born. She also warned that it would not be unusual for me to take another trip (or several) to labor and delivery before they are born. She even told me to be prepared for the possibility of hospital bed rest. All of which she said is "typical" for twin moms. We are prepared to do whatever it is we need to do to keep the twins safe and sound in there as long as possible. I'm not sure how we're going to survive this (both mentally and financially), but things always seem to have a way of working themselves out. They started me on a steroid shot today with a follow up shot tomorrow to help the babies lungs in case they decide to come too early.

At least I'll get out of the house again tomorrow for my follow up steroid and progesterone shots, but I also have to endure the famously awful 3 hour fasting glucose test. UGH.

1 comment:

Dianna@KennedyAdventures said...

As a mother of twins, I'll be keeping you in my thoughts/prayers! I'll email you with my blog, as well as some sites for ways to deal with bed rest.