Thursday, October 9, 2008

32 week update!

Today is a good day! I made it to 32 weeks and we had an ultrasound this morning. Nothing but good news, so our spirits are lifted. Madden is head down and weighs a little over 4 lbs and Myles has flipped and is also now head down (THANK GOODNESS) and he weighs about 4lbs 12 oz. They are in the 50th% and 65th% percentiles. Nice and healthy! I think they are trying to make things up to me (re: all the bed rest and time in the hospital) by both being head down so I can HOPEFULLY have a vaginal delivery. Now if I can get to 34 weeks, they will check to see if I have dilated anymore. If not, I may get to go home on bed rest. If I have, I'll be stuck in baby jail a little while longer. I have a feeling that if I make it that long, I will be in the hospital until they get here, but we'll see! Either way, I'm getting SO excited to meet them. I can't believe it's getting so close. WOW. Our lives are about to be turned upside down (in a good way). :)

On another note, Rod and I got to attend a class on the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) on Tuesday. It was very informative, and we even had our name picked out of a drawing and we won a little gift bag with some samples. It was nice to get out of the room, and I even met my "neighbor" in room 254 (I'm in room 253). She is pregnant with a singleton, and she has been here for 9 weeks. Yes, I said nine. To start off the conversation, she said "So how long have you been in and what are you in for?" Right then I knew why they call it baby jail.

Anyway, she is going to be 33 weeks this weekend, so I'm keeping she and her baby in my thoughts that they make it to their goal as well.


Christine said...

Woo Hoo and congrats on the 32 wk mark!!!! 2 weeks for the next goal. I hope you do get out of baby jail....but you have to wait for those 2 boys to get here :)

Chocolate Mom aka Blupoetres said...

Hey Jo,
I know exactly how you feel, I just got released from baby jail this Friday. While on my stay I was able to tour the NICU too. I'm glad you and the babies are thriving and upside down!! LOL.